The first national conference on rice fortification was convened in Kathmandu by the Department of Health Services, Department of Food Technology and Quality Control, and the Nepal Food Corporation (NFC) in association with WFP in December.
WFP’s ongoing flood response to address food and nutrition insecurity in the Terai continues. Under the food security component, WFP has reached 74 percent of its target population, while 61 percent have been reached through the nutrition component.
WFP Assistance
The immediate response emergency operation (IREMOP 201098) has provided life-saving food, cash or nutrition assistance to 218,260 flood-affected people. An eight month emergency response and recovery operation (EMOP 201101) was launched in September. This operation aims to provide nutritional and unconditional cash assistance to populations affected by the flood.
Nepal Country Programme (CP 200319) contributes towards the Government of Nepal’s efforts in enhancing the food and nutrition security of vulnerable communities and increasing resilience to disasters. The CP covers four areas – livelihoods, education, and nutrition and capacity development.
Livelihood creation provides seasonal employment and livelihood training, rehabilitation of rural roads and trails, irrigation channels and other community assets.
WFP provides education support to the Ministry of Education, which has proved to be vital in the Government’s efforts to improve access to education through the School Meals Programme. These combined efforts have achieved higher attendance rates while improving nutritional intake among school children in rural Nepal. In addition, WFP is focusing on increasing awareness related to hygiene and nutrition.
WFP supports the Ministry of Health to implement the Mother and Child Health and Nutrition (MCHN) programme to prevent chronic malnutrition amongst expectant mothers and children aged 6 to 23 months.
Established by WFP as a field surveillance mechanism in 2002 at the height of the conflict, the Nepal Food Security Monitoring System, known as NeKSAP, has expanded and evolved as a nationwide food security monitoring system, based on strong collaboration between the Government, WFP and other institutions at the national and sub-national level. NeKSAP was institutionalized in the Government in June 2016 and WFP continues to provide technical assistance to adapt NeKSAP to the new federal system of governance.
The earthquake recovery project (PRRO 200875) supports local communities and the Government to “build back better” in the most food-insecure earthquake-affected communities. Community asset rehabilitation activities (i.e. repairing rural roads/trails to enable connectivity to major route ways and re-establishing access in high hilly areas, promoting resilient livelihoods and addressing postearthquake food and nutrition needs), are ongoing in three quake-affected districts: Nuwakot, Dhading and Gorkha.
The emergency response project for logistics and telecommunications (SO 200848) WFP continues trail rehabilitation in some of the earthquake-affected districts.
The emergency preparedness project for capacity building (SO 200999) builds national and district level emergency logistics capacities to respond to future disasters.
In Numbers
228,018 children received school meals in December.
47,845 people received unconditional cash distribution in flood affected districts.