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United Nations Development Assistance Framework for Nepal 2013-2017, Annual Report 2013


As this UNDAF 2013 Annual Report attests, despite the challenging environment, the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) together with the Government of Nepal achieved impressive results under each of the three UNDAF components of: Advancing equality through equity; Protecting development gains; and Creating an enabling environment for enhanced international cooperation. In 2013, the UNCT delivered USD 130.4 million, of which USD 89.5 million was invested in development and USD 40.8 million was mobilized to meet humanitarian needs.

With only two years left to the 2015 deadline, Nepal is on track to meet most of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Nevertheless, persistent challenges remain in achieving some of them, namely those pertaining to full employment and climate change. Particular attention has been paid to meeting the goal on sanitation through the implementation of a MDG Acceleration Framework.

The UN joins other partners in supporting the Constituent Assembly with its primary task: to embark on an inclusive, democratic constitution making process. The successful completion of this process will allow many of the challenges which have hindered the implementation of the UNDAF in its first year to be overcome. These include delay of national budget approval and limited budget release, frequent change of Government officials, and delays in adoption of new policies and promulgation of new laws in the absence of a Cabinet.

It is further hoped that decisions on a number of key issues directly affecting the implementation of a number of UNDAF Outcomes will also be reached. These issues, including the future federal structure, the holding of local elections, as well as the establishment of transitional justice mechanisms will need to be resolved to facilitate implementation of priority development agendas. For the first time in years, Nepal has the democratic processes in place to achieve this.

The UN System remains committed to help Nepal pursue its national priorities and internationally-agreed development goals. In doing so, the UN will further strengthen our partnerships with all the stakeholders who contribute to Nepal’s peace and development, including the Government of Nepal, the donors, I/NGO and civil society partners at both central and community level. The UN agencies will also endeavor to further develop UN coordination and collaboration to enhance the impact of UNDAF implementation.