- In 2024, South Asia remains at risk for natural disasters, political crises, public health emergencies and conflicts. 48 million children are anticipated to be in need for humanitarian support this year, with peaks during the monsoon season. Cyclone Remal in Bangladesh and India, and early monsoon rains in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Afghanistan, and Sri Lanka affected over 15 million children requiring coordinated humanitarian responses.
- Nepal country office is supporting 2023's Jajarkot earthquake recovery efforts. India country office is supporting the government's response for children and their families affected by Cyclone Remal and monsoon floods in West Bengal and Assam.
- To further engagement between countries on Child-Centred DRR (CCDRR) and Disaster Management (DM), UNICEF ROSA organized a knowledge exchange event in April 2024 to bring together UNICEF staff, DM Authorities and relevant Ministries to discuss best practices, common challenges and further investment in CCDRR and DM.
- Despite generous funding provided by donors, the HAC remains highly underfunded, impacting UNICEF’s ability to deliver for children in the region.