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Tending to Outlying Villages

Currently, 31 Team Rubicon members are on the ground in Kathmandu conducting impact assessments and medical operations, while five medics and five more veterans of the British Armed Forces are expected to arrive today. Here’s a breakdown of personnel by speciality:

1 Task Force Leader

21 Medical Personnel:

  • 5 doctors
  • 6 nurses
  • 6 paramedics
  • 1 EMT
  • 3 logisticians

5 Linguists

14-Person Wide-Area Assessment Team

Team Rubicon’s medical personnel are operating in Kathmandu as well as discrete areas approximately 3-4 hours east of city limits and conducting impact assessments in these rural villages with the intent of routing information back to the World Health Organization and other partners on site. The team is also working with the American-Nepalese Medical Foundation to incorporate the capacity of Nepalese American and Nepalese physicians to maximize the effectiveness of the team to serve the local population.

Our medical teams have been augmented by a group of doctors from theOperational and Disaster Medicine Fellowship Program at the Carolinas Medical Center

Furthermore, by partnering with organizations such as SkyCatch and HaloDrop that specialize in UAV-based imagery collection, processing, and analysis, we are able to support the development of situational awareness and a common operating picture that will allow more effective tasking of all available resources. Operation: Tenzing rolls on.

Keep tabs on the team through Twitter and consider making a donation to support the team.