Executive Summary
Significant mobilization and participation in relief and recovery efforts by the Nepalese private sector was observed in the aftermath of April 25 and May 12 earthquakes. 4W mapping of the sector`s response not only enables better understanding of the equity in coverage and gaps, but also lends voice to the stakeholders representing communities most adversely impacted by the disaster.
This pilot study aimed to assess (i) the sector`s contribution in emergency relief distribution and recovery, and (ii) the interest level of the responders in integrating in Shelter Cluster or comparable coordination platform.
Secondary data was collected on assistance provided by the private sector and civil society responders to assess the sector`s contribution in emergency relief distribution and recovery.
Responders were asked open ended questions on the utility of a coordination platform in order to assess the interest level in coordination.
More than 500 confirmed responders were contacted. Response rate was 27%, with only 134 reporting the details of relief and recovery activities.
Majority of the private sector response was undertaken as informal collaboration among for-profit businesses, volunteer groups, national organizations and local NGOs.
Private sector response is not cluster specific, with organizations and individuals providing assistance in shelter, food, NFIs, services, community buildings, and trainings.
Qualitative analysis of response from open ended questions pointed to some common trends among private sector responders. Majority of for-profit businesses participated in relief activities through the existing CSR missions. 90% of 96 district and municipal level CCIs reported either donating funds to the Prime Minister Relief Fund or distributing relief materials.
Ad hoc volunteer groups participated in extensive relief distribution, and could mobilize again with the availability of information regarding needs and gaps in reconstruction.