The Anticipatory Action Flood Simulation Exercise was organized from 29-30 September 2021. The simulation tested the FbA mechanism and implementation of its corresponding early actions. Based on the lessons learned from the exercise, the FbA mechanism will be further improved. It also provided a good platform to test the understanding of the government officials and NRCS regarding their roles and responsibility, timeline and implementation process against the early actions. This mechanism will ensure that potentially exposed communities are timely informed of a potential flood and are prepared to take the early actions once the triggers are reached. Ultimately the simulation exercise will deliver a set of well prioritized recommendations for required improvements and capacity strengthening in key areas enabling to work in anticipation.
The simulation was organized from 29th - 30th September 2021, in two municipalities – Janaki and Barbadiya, across two river basins – Karnali and Babai respectively. This would offer a comparative perspective between the two Municipalities. Municipality officials from neighbouring areas were also invited as observers. The simulation anticipated a flood with a forecast ahead of 15 days. As the early actions are mostly focused on the Municipal level, the exercise also focused at the same level – Municipality office of the government and Sub-chapters of the NRCS. It did include few national coordination elements wherever required. The simulation was followed by a half day debriefing session.