This report is produced by the Provincial Focal Point Agency in collaboration with governments, humanitarian partners and clusters working in the response.
On 3 November 2023 11:47 PM, a strong earthquake struck Nepal’s Jajarkot District, Karnali Province, with several aftershocks reported thereafter. A total of 18 local governments are affected where Jajarkot and Rukum West are severely affected in terms of human casualties, damage of houses in Karnali Province.
As per the final IRA reports a total of 154 fatalities and 934 injured, 96 are rescued and 16 under treatment from earthquake affected areas as well as 13,129 buildings completely damaged, and 34,299 partially damaged. (HPEOC 13 Nov and PEOC, 11 Nov 2023). Among the admitted, 92 are under treatment at various hospitals (PHEOC, 11 Nov 2023). Although the IRA reports 47,428 buildings affected, the NEOC states 9794 houses completely damaged and 24707 houses partially damaged in Jajarkot, 16570 houses completely damaged and 9961 houses partially damaged in Rukum West, 151 houses completely damaged and 512 houses partially damaged in Salyan (NEOC, 13 Nov 2023). Three tier government actively manages the humanitarian response with significant involvement of humanitarian agencies, civil societies, as well as cooperation from provincial and local governments. More than 382 aftershocks were reported forcing people to spend nights in the open or makeshift shelters in freezing overnight temperatures. The impending winter highlights the urgent and critical requirement for warm clothing, winterized shelter, healthcare, water, and food. 2 deaths have also been reported in the Kantipur daily news as people are forced to sleep outside under tarpaulin and thin blankets. The festival of Tihar is also slowing the response activities in the affected areas. Preliminary assessments indicate that a substantial number of households are currently displaced, even if temporarily, with potential damage to their food stocks and assets. Moreover, their access to nutritious food, livelihoods, and employment opportunities is severely constrained. Earthquake with 5.8 Magnitude tremor recurred on 6 Nov 2023 causing further panic and devastation again. The rescue phase of the earthquake response is completed, and the focus has shifted to the response phase, which involves addressing the immediate and long term needs of the affected community. The onset of winter accompanied by the rain and snowfall has exacerbated the challenges faced in the aftermath of the earthquake.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Law (MOIAL) conducted an inter cluster meeting with 9 clusters with the agenda of integrated information management, process of response and further joint initiatives to carry out earthquake response in an effective and collaborative approach. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Dhurba Ghimire, Secretary, MOIAL and lead, co-lead members of clusters participated and presented respective cluster progress, plan, challenges, and way forward.
The Provincial Government has transferred a total of cash NPR 24,500,000.00 to 16 Local Governments for purpose of procurement of relief materials and distribution and rescue works in the earthquake affected areas of Bheri, Nalgad, Barekot and Kushe, Chhedagad, Shiwalaya and Junichande Palikas in Jajarkot district, Athbiskot, Sanibheri, Chaurjahari, Musikot, Tribeni and Banfikot Palikas in Rukum West district, and Darma, Bagchaur and Bangad Kupinde Palikas in Salyan district (Source: Letter issued by MOIAL on 7 November 2023).
It is agreed that the PHEOC will endorse all data related to the Earthquake including those of the IRA supported by NRCS and other partners in the region.
Provincial Disaster Management Council (PDMC) meeting was held at OCMC chaired by the hon.
Chief minister on 4 Nov. 2023 and decided to expedite rescue and relief operations and requested all government and humanitarian agencies to support the relief and rescue operations. -
PDMC entrusted Provincial Ministries with responsibilities for delivery of a range of emergency relief and services based at province, district, and local level.
Provincial Humanitarian Staging Area (PHSA) is functional for stockpiling, planning and transportation and distribution. Majorities of relief provided to the government are routed through PHSA.
WFP as a PFPA is coordinating with provincial government and humanitarian agencies to build a conducive environment for rapid response in affected areas of Jajarkot and Rukum, whereas other UN agencies are closely working through the cluster activation system.
There are all clusters activated in the province and have started cluster specific response operations.
Each UN agency is supporting information management, whereas WFP, UNDP SUPER project and WHO provide information compilation of the information at PEOC and PHEOC. Improvement in information dissemination through a one door system, avoiding duplication of information as well.
One door distribution system has been effectively managed through DDMC of respective districts and local levels.
Market functional and has resumed in both Jajarkot and Rukum West.
Financial Institutions functional as Banks and Finances have resumed operation.
As per the CDOS, almost all the affected population has received at least one level of emergency aid and relief materials at earthquake affected areas.
A meeting was held at the WFP Surkhet, with UN RCO/UN OCHA representative, Augustin. The meeting focused on enhancing provincial Humanitarian coordination in the earthquake response activities. In attendance were representatives from UNICEF, IOM, UNDP, and WHO. Each organization provided official updates regarding their respective clusters, elucidating on response activities executed throughout the preceding week. In addition, the meeting discussed gaps and constraints in coordination and information management.
In another meeting, Hon. Minister Mr. Krishna Bdr. GC- MoIAL and UN RCO/ UN OCHA representative, Augustin along with WFP, IOM, UNDP had a discussion regarding the current coordination situation and investigated matters to enhance coordination for close collaboration with the provincial government and UN agencies for the earthquake response.
The meeting chaired by Hon. Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Narayan Kaji Shrestha has decided to provide Cash support to the families with completely damaged houses, a sum amount of NRS 50,000 in two installments of 25,000 each. The meeting has also approved a guideline for temporary shelter construction for earthquake affected families, 2080, for proper utilization of the sanctioned cash grant. NDRRMA to manage the human resources for the data collection of detailed Damage assessment for the actual beneficiary listing. The meeting also requested private sectors to facilitate easy availability of raw materials, various organizations for volunteer mobilization for the construction of temporary shelters.