I. Government of Nepal approves Disaster-Sensitive Social Security and Relief Distribution Procedure, 2081
II. Earthquake safety day: nationwide efforts for strong structures and robust preparedness
III. Fairwell to First Chief Executive of NDRRMA.
IV. Third national conference on disaster risk reduction (NCDRR).
V. Findings from western Nepal's EP&R assessment VI. Localizing GEDSI strategic action plan in disaster risk reduction and management
Government of Nepal approves Disaster-Sensitive Social Security and Relief Distribution Procedure, 2081
On December 31, 2024 (16 Paush, 2081), the Government of Nepal approved the Disaster-Sensitive Social Security and Relief Distribution Procedure, 2081 through a Cabinet decision. This procedure has been formulated in accordance with Sub-section (1) of Section 39 of the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act, 2074 to enhance disaster response, relief distribution, and recovery efforts. The primary objective of this procedure is to ensure financial accessibility for economically disadvantaged and vulnerable individuals and families to all forms of relief and assistance related to disaster response, immediate relief distribution, early recovery, and long-term rehabilitation. By integrating social security programs and systems, the government aims to provide swift, efficient, organized, and effective relief to disaster-affected populations.