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Nepal – Floods and landslides, update (NDRRMA, DHM, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 01 October 2024)

  • The humanitarian impact due to flooding and landslides triggered by heavy rainfall, since 27-28 September in central and eastern Nepal, is still increasing.
  • According to media reports, as of 1 October, 217 people died, including 35 due to a landslide in Dhading district, in Bagmati province, southern Nepal. National authorities and Save the Children report that 111 people have been injured, 4,000 have been rescued, a total of 540 people have been displaced, and 5,000 have been affected. In addition, more than 54 schools and four bridges have been damaged, and 23 highways have been affected.
  • On 1 October, drier conditions are expected over the whole country, on 2 October rainfall is forecast over eastern Nepal.