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Nepal Flood: Simplified Early Action Protocol - Report of sEAP Activation Lesson Learning Meeting: 19 December 2024



The Nepal Red Cross Society, with technical support from the Danish Red Cross, Finnish Red Cross, and Red Cross Climate Center, is implementing the Simplified Early Action Protocol (SEAP) for floods in western Nepal. Funded by IFRC's DREF, this program began in June 2024 and will continue for two years, covering 12 municipalities in Banke, Bardiya, and Kailali districts across the West Rapti, Babai, and Karnali river basins respectively. The SEAP aim to support vulnerable populations through early actions triggered by flood forecasts, enhancing their capacity to mitigate disaster impacts. As Nepal Red Cross's first approved early action protocol, sEAP serve as an interim solution before a full Early Action Protocol will be established. Early actios focused on safeguarding lives, household essentials, and livestock, while ensuring access to safe water and hygiene. Activities included early warning dissemination, evacuation to shelters, and resource preparation, in collaboration with local governments.

On September 26, 2024, based on the weather forecast issued by the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM), the Simplified Early Action Protocol (SEAP) was officially activated for the Babai and West Rapti River Basins. DHM had issued special flood forecast advisories on the evening of September 26, highlighting the West Rapti and Babai rivers with red color, indicating a high possibility of flooding on September 28. This activation was triggered after the forecast aligned with the pre-determined thresholds and criteria established in the SEAP's trigger statement for these rivers. Following the activation decision, a series of early action measures were promptly implemented at the local level in the affected areas within these basins. In Banke district, early actions were carried out in Raptisonari Rural Municipality, Duduwa Rural Municipality, and Narainapur Rural Municipality. Similarly, in Bardiya district, early actions were executed in Gulariya Municipality, Thakurbaba Municipality, and Barbardiya Municipality following the activation of the protocol.

Capturing the lessons learned, challenges faced, and gaps identified during the activation of the SEAP in these basins is essential for enhancing future processes and formulating an Early Action Protocol (EAP) for floods. To collect insights and exchange experiences related to the sEAP activation, a lesson-learning meeting was held on December 19, 2024, involving representatives from the relevant district chapters, the SEAP advisory team, partner national societies (PNS), and the Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS). The Lessons Learned Workshop was designed to be highly interactive and participatory, accommodating both virtual and in-person attendees. The meeting aimed to create an engaging environment where participants has shared their thoughts candidly and depart with a deeper understanding and sense of ownership of the Early Action Protocol.