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Nepal: Establishment of a commission on the missing

The ICRC has welcomed the decision of the Nepalese government to establish a Commission on the Missing

The following was issued as a press release by the ICRC delegation in Kathmandu on 22 June 2007

"The decision of the government of Nepal on 21 June 2007 to establish a Commission on the missing people is a sign of recognition to all the families suffering from this humanitarian tragedy." said Raoul Forster, the ICRC spokesperson in Nepal. He added, "The ICRC welcomes the decision of the government and insists that the adequate Terms of References be given to this independent commission in order to answer all the needs of the families of the missing people."

Shanta Bahadur Ranabhat from Nawalparasi is a victim the ICRC and the Nepal Red Cross Society met on 21 June 2007. He was assisted with a pair of oxen under ICRC Micro Economic Initiative programme. He said, ''Dead or alive, we want the confirmation of our daughter's fate. We cannot die every minute, everyday.'' Shanta Bahadur Ranabhat is a member of one of the 973 families having reported a disappearance to the ICRC and still seeking information on the fate of their loved ones.

Under international humanitarian law, all parties to a conflict must take all feasible measures to account for persons reported missing as a result of the armed conflict and must provide their families with any information they have on their fate and whereabouts. The ICRC continues to support with its experience and technical expertise the government of Nepal in formulating the Terms of References of this Commission on the Missing.

For further information, please contact:

Raoul Forster, ICRC Kathmandu, Tel. +977 1 4482285 or + 977 98510 34638