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Nepal Earthquake Situation Update (28 April 2015)


**Situation Overview*8

  • Apowerful 7.8 M earthquake struck Nepal on 25 April,approximately 81km from the capital Kathmandu in an area between the capital and the city of Pokhara.

  • Affected areas include the epicentre of the earthquake: Lamjung District, north-west of Kathmanduand the areas south and east of the city including Kathmandu Valley districts. In the central region, the most affected districts are Sindulpalchowk, Kavre, Nuwakot, Rasuwa, Dolakha. In the western region Kaski, Gorkha and Lamjung.Affected areas include densely populated cities and rural, mountainous regions.

  • Latest estimates report eight million people in 39 districts have been affected, more than 3,350 deaths and thousands of casualties, which is expected to rise further in the coming days (UNORC Report 27 April). Urgent priority needs include shelter,water, sanitation, medical supplies and food.

  • The Logistics Cluster was activated on 27 April and will be responsible for supporting the Government of Nepal and the humanitarian community with coordination, information management, and, where necessary, logistics services to fill identified gaps and ensure an effective and efficient logistics response.

  • Although operational, congestion at Kathmandu International Airport is being reported.