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Nepal Earthquake: Singapore Red Cross increases contribution to s$200,000 for immediate humanitarian relief

Singapore, 28 April 2015 – Given the severity of the situation in Nepal, Singapore Red Cross (SRC) will be increasing its initial contribution of S$50,000 for relief items to S$200,000. These relief items and emergency supplies will be dispatched in collaboration with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). These include household kits and shelter tool kits as many in Nepal have lost their homes.

As of 5pm today, the public has donated more than S$200,000 with many more pledges coming in.

SRC’s Advance Team will be in Nepal by midday tomorrow to link up with Nepal Red Cross and other Red Cross Movement partners to assess the medical needs and logistical considerations that have to be taken into account. They will also ascertain locations and communities where there is an urgent need for emergency medical services. This will help decide where our medical teams will be deployed.

The team will also scope the other possible needs such as water and sanitation as well as the logistical challenges on the ground. Singapore Red Cross will then make an assessment of what else we can do or provide in support of the relief efforts.

For more information or to make a donation, please visit

Singapore Red Cross efforts to date:

Contribution of S$200,000 worth of relief items (including food and non-food items) and emergency supplies in response to the earthquake in Nepal.

Launched a public appeal for the relief and recovery efforts in Nepal. The public can donate via walk-in cash donations, cheque, online or via ATMs. SRC is operating extended working hours to receive walk-in donations.

Working with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on the Restoring Family Links (RFL) services.

An advance team and three medical teams will be deployed for relief efforts in Nepal. The advance team will be in Nepal by midday Wednesday and the first medical team will arrive on Friday.