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Nepal earthquake relief: winter update

This winter, Handicap International distributed more than 1,700 winter kits to Nepalese families from isolated communities who lost everything in the 2015 earthquake. Designed to help them cope with the freezing temperatures, the kits contained warm clothes, blankets, foam mattresses, sheets, and rope.

Handicap International also organized[1] a national Master’s training program for health workers on managing injuries and traumas in 14 districts affected by the earthquake. More than 400 medical staff, including doctors, nurses, and social workers, learned how to prevent secondary complications in patients with injuries.

The organization continues its efforts to provide rehabilitation to people who suffered disabling injuries as a result of the earthquake. Since April 2015 we have provided more than 7,722 people with more 16,500 physical therapy sessions and nearly 4,900 assistive devices and equipment such as wheelchairs, prosthetic limbs, and ergonomic mattresses.

In addition to providing the winter kits, Handicap International has also distributed 4,900 kits containing cooking supplies, tents, hygiene items, and other necessities to needy families.

[1] In collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health and Population.