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Nepal: Earthquake Emergency appeal (MDRNP008) operation update n° 5


A. Summary of the response

Two months into the relief emergency operation, the Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS), the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and Movement partners remain proactive in ensuring that the affected population, particularly those in remote areas or most vulnerable, are provided with relevant humanitarian assistance in timely and efficient manner. The relief and recovery strategy takes into consideration the upcoming seasonal monsoon floods during which some target districts are likely to be inaccessible. A monsoon preparedness plan for the earthquake affected areas, including prepositioning of stocks, building response capacities and ensuring Movement coordination, provides guidance for continuity of operation.

NRCS, IFRC and partners have commenced the planning process for the recovery phase. On 12-13 June, Movement partners met in a Movement planning meeting to confirm their commitment to promote a one vision, one plan, one team approach to recovery, and to set up a framework and modalities developing a Movement-wide recovery framework and plan of action. Furthermore, IFRC and Movement partners are preparing the exit/transition strategies to ensure smooth out of relief phase process.

The IFRC revised Appeal is 48.7 per cent covered in hard and soft pledges as of 20 June 2015. The current funding gaps (approximately CHF 38 million) are mainly related to recovery interventions in shelter, health, water and sanitation, livelihoods, community preparedness, disaster risk reduction, and National Society institutional development. These interventions are crucial to ensure that affected populations are supported to recover and rebuild their lives as well as better prepare for future disasters. IFRC will continue to explore funding opportunities to meet the humanitarian needs of affected population outlined in the Appeal. IFRC, on behalf of NRCS, would like to thank the partners and donors for their generous contributions.