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Nepal: Earthquake Emergency Appeal (MDRNP008) Operation update n° 10


Operation Summary

This 12-month report provides an overview of achievements made by Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS) with support from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). It also provides challenges faced during response as well as in commencing the recovery phase of the Earthquake Response Operations. This report will also highlight briefly some of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement achievements during the response and recovery phase of the Earthquake Operations.

In the immediate aftermath of the 2015 earthquake on 25 April, NRCS initiated its response, and its Emergency Response Committee (ERC) activated the Emergency Operation Centre (EOC). The National Disaster Response Teams (NDRT), District Disaster Response Teams (DDRTs) and Central Executive Committee (CEC) members were immediately deployed in the affected districts. Several district chapter offices activated their EOC to coordinate the response operation. NRCS mobilized close to 8,000 of their staff and volunteers (First aid, rescue team, NDRT, psychosocial support (PSS), DDRT, water, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH) and restoring family links (RFL)) to support various activities including evacuation, assessment and relief distributions. The staff and volunteers also provided spontaneous assistance in affected communities, including caring for and transporting the injured people, helping out as caregivers in medical facilities, setting up temporary shelters and toilets.

The IFRC Global tools were also deployed at the onset of the earthquake to support NRCS in responding to the immediate needs of the affected people. They include 372 people from Emergency Response Units (ERUs), 61 people from the Regional Disaster Response Teams (RDRT), 43 Field Assessment and Coordination Team (FACT) members, 15 IFRC surge staff and one Head of Emergency Operations (HEOps).

In shelter, NRCS through IFRC Emergency Appeal reached over 36,000 families with shelter kits and conducted orientation on the contents of the shelter kits so that the targeted community members could set up temporary shelters. In addition, over 100,000 families were reached with tarpaulins for emergency shelter support3. For the recovery phase of the operation, discussions are ongoing with the National Reconstruction Authority (NRA) to agree on the best way forward in supporting the affected communities in reconstructing their houses as well as continuing other recovery activities.

WASH interventions supported by the Emergency Appeal included deployment of staff and volunteers, deployment of Mass Sanitation Modules (MSMs), RDRT members, emergency relief and recovery WASH activities and monsoon preparedness plan. Specifically, the activities included trucking of water, distribution of jerry cans and hygiene kits, restoration/repairs of the water supply points, construction of latrines and hygiene promotion. All these interventions are in line with the emergency and recovery WASH guidance provided by NRCS.

At district level, the WASH sector coordinated with the district drinking water supply and sanitation office under the government’s Department of Water Supply and Sewerage (DWSS) during installation or repair of water systems. At national level, DWSS is the lead agency of the WASH Cluster. NRCS conducted WASH assessments together with DWSS to identify needs of the communities affected by the earthquake.

NRCS health department coordinated health activities in the country. IFRC FACT, RDRT and the ERUs worked together with NRCS to provide immediate health service in worst affected districts. Various community-based health activities were conducted through NRCS and ERUs in these locations. The Red Cross volunteers were mobilized in the worst hit districts to disseminate health and hygiene messages focusing on hand washing, use of latrines, preparation and use of Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS), providing psychosocial support and first aid.