This report covers the period 1 July to 31 December 2009
In brief
Programme purpose:
The International Federation's role in Nepal is to provide support to the Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS) in the form of funds and technical input to build the national society's capacity to achieve the goals defined under the fifth NRCS development plan (2008-2010). These goals are aligned with the International Federation's Global Agenda goals and areas follows:
1. Enhance the disaster management capacities of vulnerable communities and provide effective response to disasters, through the strengthening of the preparedness and response systems of the NRCS (Global Agenda goal 1).
2. Improve the health status of targeted communities and reduce their vulnerability through communitybased health and care systems (Global Agenda goal 2).
3. Reduce the socio-economic vulnerability of communities, strengthen the capacity of the NRCS at all levels and increase self-reliance to better address needs in the communities (Global Agenda goal 3).
4. Increase awareness and understanding of the Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement and humanitarian values, to promote respect for diversity and human dignity through service to vulnerable people (Global Agenda goal 4).