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Nepal: 2nd-National Dialogue on Anticipatory Action



Prone to many natural hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, and fl oods, Nepal has begun operationalizing anticipatory action to eff ectively save lives and reduce suff ering. In recent years, the Community of Practice on AA and Shock Responsive Social Protection has been a platform that brings together over sixty member organisations. A synergised and consolidated approach for AA among the government agencies, non-profi t, academia, private sector and knowledge of communities can establish Nepal as an exemplary model in AA at the regional and global level.

The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority (NDRRMA) is organising the Second National Dialogue on Anticipatory Action in Nepal, scheduled for 11-12 May 2023 in Kathmandu.
The aim is to convene stakeholders from various sectors to discuss and enhance Nepal’s commitment to anticipatory action. This gathering follows the highly successful First National Dialogue on Anticipatory Action, held in 2022, which signifi ed a critical milestone in the country’s pursuit of establishing a constructive discourse around anticipatory action, exchange experiences and lessons based on concrete examples and experiences and to inform the policy direction to be taken for Anticiptory Action in Nepal.

The Second National Dialogue on Anticipatory Action will off er a unique forum to review the advancements made since the fi rst dialogue, share knowledge and evidence from the implementation and scale-up of anticipatory action. The discourse created around the event will bring the experiences from the fi eld to connect community knowledge with science and policies. By pinpointing good practices, gaps, roadblocks, and milestones, participants will collaborate to outline a joint path forward for all government and non-government agencies involved in disaster risk reduction and management.

The outcome of this event is also expected to contribute to the Asia-Pacifi c Regional Dialogue Platform on Anticipatory Action, happening in Kathmandu in June 2023. This will enable Nepal to impart its valuable insights and experiences to its regional counterparts, fostering a spirit of cooperation and mutual learning. In addition, the idea and ambition of developing a national roadmap to integrate and mainstream coordinated anticipatory action into all aspects of humanitarian response and preparedness is being considered. Once formulated, this roadmap will become an integral part of a “coherent story” for anticipatory action in Nepal, emphasising the importance of coordinated collaboration amongst all relevant agencies. The Second National Dialogue Platform on Anticipatory Action will serve as a crucial step in exploring the potential of this ambitious vision, further underscoring Nepal’s dedication to saving lives and building a more resilient future through advanced approaches to disaster risk management.