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Launch of Joint Appeal for Survivors of Nepal Earthquake

Today, the Humanitarian Coalition is launching a national joint appeal to help the victims of the devastating earthquake in Nepal. The reports of deaths, injuries, and extensive damage caused to people’s homes and livelihoods are making it clear that this is a disaster of immense and growing scale.

Our member agencies have been working in Nepal and the region for decades alongside local partner organizations. They are on the ground assessing the needs of the thousands of people affected by the earthquake and preparing to provide emergency assistance in the form of shelter, clean water, food, medical aid, and other essentials.

Together, we are responding and will continue to help the people of Nepal in this hour of need.

The generous support of Canadians is essential for relief efforts to have an impact and reach stranded families, children who have been separated from their parents, and the elderly, all of whom are scattered across several remote communities. As the Monsoon season approaches, the precarious situation of survivors is likely to get worse.

Please help if you can by making a donation to our joint response.