In January, community perceptions continued to trend positively across most issues. In particular, January saw the largest month-to-month increase, since June, in positive perceptions on whether main problems were being addressed.
Continued winterization distributions and early stages of reconstruction work likely influenced this. While this increase in positive perceptions is encouraging, a majority of respondents still feel their main problems have not been addressed. This is expected to change as reconstruction efforts gain momentum.
This round also marked an increase in positive perceptions for winter preparedness. This is likely a result of increased winterization support in January, particularly from the government cash distribution. As a result of these efforts, there was also an increase in positive perceptions of the government in earthquake response efforts.
Feedback collected from 11 agencies in the field also highlight issues of reconstruction, WASH, education, beneficiary selection and aid distribution, and livelihoods as challenges. With reconstruction efforts initiating, there was a spike, from previous rounds, in concerns and feedback related to this. Rumor tracking bulletins also spotlight questions and concerns related to reconstruction plans and processes.
Community meetings held in 14 districts provided a platform for communities to interact and engage in open dialogue with government and agencies. In January, the main issues raised in community meetings related to reconstruction, winterization support and access to drinking water.
Participants in these meetings requested information on government plans for reconstruction, specifically grant and loan support and classification of homes.
Key Recommendations for January:
Continue to strengthen outreach and dialogue with communities to ensure communities have the information they need and are able to provide feedback to shape response efforts. In particular , ensure reconstruction plans and guidance is shared with communities through appropriate channels, such as radio, television and interpersonal.
With the National Reconstruction Authority formed and work beginning, government and agencies must ensure community feedback mechanisms and community outreach are prioritized to ensure reconstruction efforts meet the needs and concerns of communities.