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GOAL team responds to Nepal earthquake

GOAL has dispatched an emergency response team to Nepal to support relief efforts following the worst earthquake to hit the country in 80 years. GOAL Senior Manager, Darren Hanniffy, who responded to the devastating earthquake in Haiti in 2010, is going to Nepal today and is available for interview.

The 7.9-magnitute quake, which struck earlier today (Saturday) less than 50 miles from the capital, Kathmandu, has destroyed homes, temples and other buildings. Almost 2,000 people are already confirmed dead, with many more trapped, missing and seriously injured.

“We have spoken with local agencies on the ground who have confirmed that hospitals are overrun and that huge numbers of people have been left homeless and are sleeping rough,” said GOAL CEO, Barry Andrews. “Recovery teams are continuing to search desperately for survivors trapped in the rubble, a task that has been compounded by the fact that the entire city is without electricity.

“We have also received reports that a large number of villages on the outskirts of the capital have been completely flattened. Unfortunately, we are expecting the numbers of dead and injured to rise significantly in the coming hours.”

Deaths have also been reported on Mount Everest, and in India, China, Bangladesh and Tibet.

Those who wish to donate to GOAL’s Nepal Earthquake relief effort can do so by visiting the GOAL website on