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Focused COVID-19 Media Monitoring, Nepal (September 5, 2022)


Emerging Theme(s):

  • Japanese encephalitis patients in Chitwan with 9 confirmed infections.
  • A naturopathic hospital in Rajahar, eastern Nawalparasi, to be developed as country’s first teaching hospital for naturopathic medicine.

Recurring Theme(s):

  • COVID-19 cases in Nepal are increasing with 142 new cases. There are 2,528 active cases at present and 230 have recovered in last 24 hours.
  • Dengue infection is increasing in Nepal with 4,104 cases throughout the country. So far, dengue patients have been seen in 72 districts.
  • As the number of dengue patients are increasing, the Kathmandu Metropolitan City has launched a 'Find and destroy the larvae' campaign.
  • The employees of Kanti Children's Hospital have locked the office of the director and accounting officer for two days demanding 24 points.