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Focused COVID-19 Media Monitoring, Nepal (September 17, 2021)



• Nepal reported 1,165 new COVID-19 cases, 19 deaths on September 16; rate of new infections under control but death rate has not declined in Province 1

• Why not vaccinate parents as students have started to attend in-person classes in schools to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 spread, suggest health experts; Health Ministry has asked school management committees to be ready to reopen schools; District Administration Office Kathmandu has told schools not to run physical classes

• Private pharmacy in Dhanusha found to be selling COVID-19 vaccines


• No legal hassle in procuring COVID-19 vaccines that have got approval for emergency use despite ordinance expiring; validity of COVID-19 Unified Hospital being questioned after expiry of COVID-19 Crisis Management Ordinance 2078