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Flood response multi-purpose cash, delivered through leveraging Nepal’s Social Security Allowance programme: A case study of shock-responsive social protection in practice: October 2021, western Nepal floods


This case study documents the actions of the Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS), with support from the Danish Red Cross (DRC) and in collaboration with local government, in response to the October 2021 floods in Kailali District, Nepal. Specifically, the content describes NRCS’ multi-purpose cash (MPC) pilot implemented in Tikapur and Janaki municipalities, which leveraged elements of Nepal’s Social Security Allowance (SSA) programme, in order to provide cash assistance to flood-affected households. The document begins with a background section on the flood disaster, followed by a synthesis of the preparation, targeting, distribution and encashment and monitoring stages of the MPC pilot. A discussion on the results of the intervention’s post-distribution monitoring (PDM) survey process is then presented, before finally, a selection of next steps concerning the ongoing ECHO-funded Forecast-based Action (FbA) and Shock Responsive Social Protection (SRSP) project), as well as tentative proposals to policy makers on key findings and lessons learned by the Red Cross project team over the course of the implementation of the SRSP pilot intervention.

The intended audience of this document is internal International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement actors, as well as external project partners, donors and government authorities in Nepal. It is hoped that this case study will contribute to the growing evidence base on shock-responsive social protection (SRSP) and provide a ‘proof-of-concept’ that may be used by the Red Cross, other actors and government officials in relevant (shock-responsive) social protection, disaster management and forecast-based action policy discussions in Nepal.