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Final Report - Endline KAP survey: "Clean water, improved sanitation and hygiene promotion in rural villages of Humla and Mugu, Mid West Nepal"



Mission East and KIRDARC are about to complete a jointly implemented Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion project (June 08 till July 09) funded by ECHO, in selected villages of Kalika, Shreenagar, Jaira, Saya VDCs of Humla district and Dainakot VDC of Mugu district, Karnali zone.

0.1 Objectives of KAP Survey

- To identify gaps in knowledge regarding health and hygiene practices and existing practices leading to negative impact on health

- To describe the socio demographic, cultural information of respondents and villages.

- To find out the information on incidence of communicable disease due to unhygienic practice.

- To compare these data with the baseline data to identify the effectiveness and impact of the water, sanitation and hygiene promotion activities.

0.2 Methodology and Sampling Technique

Proportionate cluster random sampling was applied for the data collection. The sample size which was 320 represents 21% of the total households of the target villages. Total number of household in surveyed village was 1479 including control village. Numbers of clusters were selected on the basis of household and population. Each cluster covered 10 households. 2 clusters were taken as a control.

Random sampling was applied for the selection of household. To ensure homogeneity, the surveyors were instructed to cover the whole village by following systematic random sampling (one random number was identified to select HH, for example: if there are 50 HH and total number of HH need for survey is 10, select 5 as random number, household will be selected by making gap of 5 households).

The same methodology was applied in the baseline and end line survey.

0.3 Data Collection Tools

Data were collected by using the same questionnaire employed for the baseline survey. Informal verbal consent from the respondents was obtained after explaining the purpose of the study.

Data was collected from 16 May to 23 May 2009.