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Epidemiology and Disease Control Division: Cholera Outbreak in Kathmandu Valley (26th August 2022)



  • As of 26th of August 2022 , a total of 70 cases of Cholera has been reported in Nepal from Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur, Nuwakot and Dhading.

  • One new case of Cholera was detected in last 24 hours in 35 yrs male from Kalimati-13.

  • Sukraraj Tropical and Infectious Disease Hospital (STIDH) reported 2 cases on 16 June, 1 case on 17 June, 1 cases on 19 June with an additional case on 21 June 2022. Two cases are residents of Bagbazaar, Kathmandu-28; 1 case is resident of Sanepa, Lalitpur3; 1 case from Dilibazaar, Kathmandu and 1 case from Boratar, Balaju, Kathmandu-16.

  • The first two cases reported from STIDH belonged to same family and household and worked in Dillibazar area in a furnishing shop. Initial field investigation conducted by joint team from Kathmandu DHO, Metropolitan, EDCD, DFTQC and WHO revealed using tap water for drinking purpose without boiling. Initial case investigation of other two cases revealed that source of drinking water was commercial jar water.

  • 4 samples of stored tap, Jar and ground water from index case household and workplace found contamination with coliform

  • Out of 62 water samples taken and tested jointly by DWSSM, EDCD, KUKL, 41 samples showed contamination with fecal E.coli.

  • KVWSMB conducted spot test of Free Residual Chlorine (FRC) in 21 tankers and out of them, 10 were not detected with FRC. Yrs female and