Media Information
Relief workers from Germany’s Relief Coalition are helping in regions near the epicentre
Bonn, April 29 th, 2015 – Nine of the member organizations of Germany’s Relief Coalition have sent German relief workers to the crisis area. All the teams have arrived in the capital Kathmandu after an adverse journey and are now starting relief efforts under high pressure.
Especially remote areas have to be reached: “Houses in the whole city have collapsed. People are climbing up mountains of debris up to five meter high, that were once their homes, in the search of their relatives”, reports Andreas Unger, media coordinator of Germany’s Relief Coalition, from the city Bhaktapur, east of Kathmandu. “The residents are losing hope to find someone alive, but they still keep on looking.” It is a race against time.
The organizations Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund and Johanniter are on their way to the Gorkha region, near the epicentre, to examine the employment of medical support and drinking water treatment. Already in the Gorkha region are staff members from CARE: This alliance partner is planning to help around 7.500 people in the affected areas with urgently needed aid supplies, such as tents, tarpaulins, blankets and sanitary products. Malteser International is realizing relief efforts in the health sector. Two doctors, joint by a local partner organization, are providing medical care in regions near the epicentre. A little health centre will be implemented, if necessary.
It becomes apparent that relief workers will be facing new challenges concerning the required aid supplies: World Vision already has distributed a large amount of blankets and tents to affected people. But the supplies are running out and the import of new ones is still delayed. Members of ADRA are also ready to help, but waiting for supplies coming from Dubai.
Germany’s Relief Coalition has started an appeal for donations for the affected people by the earthquake in Nepal.
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Germany’s Relief Coalition (Aktion Deutschland Hilft) is a federation of German aid organizations acting in concert to provide quick and effective help in response to major disasters and emergencies abroad. In times of need, the initiators of this federation for action, each an autonomous organization in its own right, pool their knowledge and capacities, complementing one another and consolidating resources to provide the most effective help possible. During the acute phase of major disasters, Germany’s Relief Coalition makes a public appeal for donations. The existing administrative structures and capacities of the member organizations help keep costs down, making it possible to channel a maximum proportion of donated funds into direct aid. Germany’s Relief Coalition appeals to all people in Germany to unite in offering help in times of urgent need as a community of solidarity dedicated to alleviating human suffering. More information: Contact Information – Public Relations Department
Aktion Deutschland Hilft e.V.
Tel. +49 (0)228/ 242 92 - 222
Fax: +49 (0)228/ 242 92 – 199