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Covid19: Nepal Response Situation Report No. XIV, as of 6 July, 2020


• The districts with COVID-19 positive cases has increased to all 77, with 34 deaths. According to the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP), age group of 91 per cent COVID-19 cases ranged from 11 to 50; 87 per cent cases are men.

• The country lock-down starting on 24 March, 2020, eased from 15 June with limited services open, further extended to 22 July, 2020. The flights are suspended until 21 July, 2020.

• The spatial distribution of cases is still clustered within a few municipalities, rather than being widespread across the districts. There is evidence of some secondary community transmission, but it is not widespread (WHO Nepal, Situation Updates #11, 1 July 2020).

• Repatriation of Nepalese migrant workers from Gulf and other countries continues. Around 19,000 people have been repatriated until 5 July, 2020.

• On 29 June, the procedure relating to the repatriation of migrant workers using the Foreign Employment Welfare Fund was adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers.

• Around 500,000 seasonal migrant workers from highly food insecure and poor communities have returned from India and are in urgent need of immediate employment and income to support their livelihoods. June-August is traditionally the agricultural lean season, leading to increased risk of food insecurity (Food Security Cluster, Nepal COVID 19 Cluster Update #14 United Nations).

• According to the official record of Nepal Police, a total of 1,498 people have committed suicide until 20 June, since the lockdown started on March 24, with a daily average of 19 people (Nepal Police, Kantipur News Report).

• #SpreadLove Campaign, the joint campaign of United Nations Country Team in Nepal and over thirty national and international organisations including DCA reached more than 11 million people through key messages calling for an end to stigma and discrimination against COVID-19 positive people. The campaign recorded over 12 million impressions and over three million engagements on social media.

• In coordination with the National Women Commission, ‘Shelter Operation Standards during COVID-19’ has been developed and endorsed by the Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizens.

• Workers in the transportation sector face risk of losing their livelihood as the service is yet to resume. National Assembly lawmakers have drawn the attention of the government to the need of making transport service effective by adopting required health safety measures.

• Monsoon has become active across the country, with at least 38 deaths recorded because of floods and landslides, and 24 deaths because of lightning from 1 June to 6 July, 2020 (Nepal Disaster Risk Reduction Portal, until 6 July 2020, GoN).

• Hundreds of youths in Nepal say “Enough is Enough” as the government struggles in its fight against COVID-19. The protest now has been followed by Enough is Enough: Satyagraha to save lives; fast without having food and water, demanding expansion of PCR Testing, discontinuation of RDTs, rectification of quarantine strategy, transparency and accountability, protection of frontline Health Workers, Dignity and relief for vulnerable migrants, the working class, and marginalised communities among others.