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WFP Namibia Country Brief, December 2024


In Numbers

USD 10.6 million net funding requirements for the next six months (January ‘24 – June ‘25), representing 60 percent of total requirements.

11,412 school children reached through the HomeGrown School Feeding Programme

1,457 beneficiaries reached through the integrated Community-based Food Systems Projects

24,558 people assisted in December 2024

Operational Updates

The Korea Drought Relief Funding and Launch in the Hardap Region

The cash-based transfers programme was officially launched on December 12th by H.E. Kwang-jin Choi, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Namibia. This programme will provide food assistance to 24,500 beneficiaries in the Hardap and Zambezi regions through redeemable commodity vouchers. The launch validated 24 beneficiaries and featured demonstrations of the voucher redemption process. The programme aims to address undernutrition by offering immediate access to nutritious food and supporting local retailers. Additionally, 3,500 children will receive essential nutrition support through soup kitchens.

Japan Drought Relief Funding and Launch in the Ohangwena Region

The Government of Japan launched a commodity voucher programme on December 5th to address the critical food security needs of 27,000 vulnerable individuals in the Ohangwena and Kunene regions. This initiative targets households most affected by the El Niño-induced drought, with a particular focus on childheaded, female-headed, and elderly-headed households. The vouchers, redeemable at local retailers, are expected to improve dietary diversity, enhance household purchasing power, and ultimately reduce under-five malnutrition rates. This programme aims to mitigate the impacts of prolonged climatic shocks and support recovery efforts in drought-affected communities.