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Namibia: Floods Operations Update No. 2 MDRNA006


The NRCS continues to assist people affected by the worst floods in decades in the northern Namibian regions of Oshana, Omusati, Ohangwena, Oshikoto, Kavango and Caprivi. The number of affected people rose to 500,000 with about 60,000 displaced, approximately 19,000 in relocation camps and 65 related deaths reported since the onset of the disaster.

The water levels rose and reached the highest levels on record in Oshana region, resulting in more communities relocated to higher ground in that region. Water levels have started to subside and some communities in Ohangwena, Omusati, Kunene, and Oshikoto Regions have started to return to their homesteads. According to the National Hydrology Division, the level of water in the north western regions is significantly subsiding.

In the Caprivi Region, all the relocated communities are still in the camps as the water levels in the flood plains are still high. The sanitation situation in the camps surrounded by water in Caprivi Region remains challenging since the water table has started rising posing a potential threat of overflowing of latrines in these areas.

The provision of relief items as well as the construction of latrines and bathing shelters by the national society has enabled the supported beneficiaries to cope with the situation in the relocation camps. The National Society continues to provide non-food items to the relocated population towards the restoration of dignified daily life.

The national society appreciates the support of both local and international partners, for the contributions made to the Emergency Appeal.

This operation is expected to be implemented for a period of six months, and will therefore be completed by 30 September 2011, with a Final Report made available by December 2011 (three months after the end of the operation).