Period covered by this Final Report: 8 April 2011 - 31 December 2011
Appeal target (current): CHF 1,811,530
Appeal coverage: 39%;
Appeal history:
• This Emergency Appeal was initially launched on 8 April 2011 for CHF 1,811,530 for six months to assist 37,457 displaced people (9,364 families).
• CHF 296,472 was initially allocated from the Federation’s Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) on 15 March 2011 to support Namibia Red Cross Society’s (NRCS) response to provide immediate assistance to 2,000 families displaced by floods.
• Operation Update no. 3 issued on 31 October 2011 extended the implementation timeframe for an additional two months, up to 31 December 2011, bringing the total timeframe to eight months.
Summary: Heavy rains which started in late 2010 and intensified in January and February 2011 led to flash floods which affected approximately 500,000 people in the southern, north and north eastern regions of Namibia. Of these affected, up to 60,000 people were displaced, an estimated 111 deaths were reported and 243,474 people were at risk of food insecurity over the 2011/2012 agricultural season.
Through the emergency operation, the National Society, with the support of IFRC, local partners and partner national societies, responded in the affected regions of Kunene, Omusati, Oshana, Oshikoto, Ohangwena, Caprivi and Kavango. NRCS assisted through provision of essential relief items, provision of emergency shelter, as well as assistance to permanent shelter for targeted vulnerable households, whose houses were completely destroyed by floods. Through the operation NRCS also provided materials to aid supply of clean water, and installed latrines and bathing centres. Volunteers engaged the community in promotion of improved health and hygiene practices.
More than 8,300 households were reached with this assistance. Although this figure fell short of the target of 9,364 families due to limited funding of the appeal, government and other actors completed the effort and the majority of the populations displaced by flood were supported.
As a result of the operation, immediate needs of the displaced population were met and disease outbreaks were prevented. Nevertheless, the 2011 floods added to the cumulative vulnerability of affected communities and the majority of these populations are still trying to recover.