A total of 121 817 cases have been recorded to-date, representing 5% of the total population (2 550 226).
More female cases 64 524 (53%) have been recorded.
Of the total confirmed cases, 4 193 (3%) are Health Workers.
• 3 478 (83%) State; 707 (17%) Private, 8 (0.2%) Non-Governmental Organizations.
• 4 024 (96%) recoveries and 13 (0.3%) deaths.
The recovery rate now stands at 89%. All fourteen (14) regions have reported confirmed cases; Khomas and Erongo regions reported the highest with 41 080 (34%) and 17 801 (15%) respectively.
Of the total fatalities, 2 949 (91%) are COVID-19 deaths while 277 (9%) are COVID-19 related deaths.
The case fatality rate now stands at 2.7%.