by Francis Xoagub
OSHAKATI – In the aftermath of this year’s floods in the north and north-eastern parts of Namibia, many private businesses have opened their wallets to donate to thousands of displaced families.
The latest businesses to respond to the call by Government to assist in flood relief efforts are Goal Maize and Moola Mobile that donated maize meal and blankets worth N$20 000 to the newly established Flood Emergency Management Coordination Office (FEMCO) in Oshakati.
Tsumeb-based Goal Maize donated 300 bags of maize meal valued at N$10 000, while Moola Mobile donated 300 blankets also valued at N$10 000. FEMCO coordinator and Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Defence, Clemens Mwala, received the donation.
“We will ensure that the donation is immediately distributed to the affected regions. We equally hope more companies emulate the example set by these two companies. There is every reason to believe that these companies have done well precisely because they are doing good,” said Mwala.
According to him, this is the first donation received by FEMCO since it was established. Previous donations were made either through the Emergency Management Unit (EMU) in the Office of the Prime Minister or the regional governor’s office in the affected regions.
EMU would use donations raised through the relief appeal to help people affected by floods in the Ohangwena, Oshana, Omusati, Oshikoto, Kavango and Caprivi, he said. “Government will need every bit of help they can get and the support for the disaster relief appeal has been overwhelming,” Mwala said.
He explained that regions would be contacted so that they can identify their immediate needs and the donations would be distributed according to the needs of the respective regions.
“The needs are not the same in all the regions, therefore we need to prioritise,” he explained.
“The floods have had a devastating impact on infrastructure, and we want to do everything we can to help residents recover as quickly as possible,” said the Governor of the Oshana Region, Clemens Kashuupulwa, at the occasion.
He said some of the blankets would be distributed to learners who are currently being settled at temporary camping sites in the affected areas. Heavy flooding in the regions has forced authorities to close many schools.
“As we are also approaching winter, surely the blankets will be of great help to these kids,” he said. The Executive Director of Moola Mobile, Martin Shipanga, said his company ‘immediately responded’ to the call by President Hifikepunye Pohamba when he declared the floods an emergency and called on businesses to make contributions.
“As a business ope-rating within the communities, it is our social responsibility to make a contribution towards the needy. We are eager and confident that the blankets will be used for the basic needs of the affected communities in the regions and will go a long way in assisting the flood victims,” Shipanga stressed.