Namibia is a State party to a number of Conventions and Treaties commonly referred to as International Human Rights Instruments including the African Charter on Human and People’s Right. Namibia ratified the African Charter on 30 July 1992. The list of major instruments, are listed in Annex I hereto.
This report is submitted pursuant to Article 62 of the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights, which requires each state party to submit a report every two years on legislative or other measures taken with a view of giving effect to the rights and freedoms recognise and guaranteed by the Charter. The information contained in the report covers the period from 2002 until 2009. According to Article 62 of the Charter’s reporting schedule, Namibia’s periodic reports after she submitted the 2nd periodic report in 2001 they were due in 2004, 2006, and 2008. Namibia welcome the position of the Commission to accepts that the 3rd periodic reports of Namibia which was due since 2004 but only submitted in 2010 be combined with the , 4th , and 5th periodic reports.
The report consists of the introductory section which includes information on the reporting methodology; it then provides information and responses to the African Commission’s concluding observations and their recommendations which they made following their visits to Namibia during 2000 and 2005 respectively. Part1 of the report contains a brief description of the general legal framework within which the civil and political rights are protected. Part II of the report provides information on the substantive rights recognised under relevant articles of the Charter and the measures taken to implement them.