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Myanmar + 1 more

World Food Programme Myanmar February 2016 Operational Report


This February issue includes:

  • Relief assistance in Kokang, northern Shan and Wa
  • Cash based transfers in flood response
  • Humanitarian access to Sumprabum
  • Targeted relief assistance in Kachin
  • Emergency response to fire outbreak in Nam Hsan
  • Handover ceremony between Korea and WFP
  • Complaint and Feedback Mechanism.

Relief assistance in Kokang, northern Shan and Wa:

After two months’ delay due to unstable security situation, WFP resumed its monthly food distributions through a cooperating partner in January, reaching approximately 6,000 returnees. As resettled households in Laukkaing have had varied access to livelihoods or income sources while IDPs from Chin Shwe Haw have not resettled in Laukkaing, because of limited income opportunities, a needs assessment and a beneficiary retargeting exercise are scheduled in February to subtract comparatively better-off households and to avoid overlapping in provision of assistance. Although all the camps closed in China, Kokang refugees have been staying with host families or separately along the border. All these returnees in Kokang were previously displaced to northern Shan and Wa by the armed conflict between the Government forces and an ethnic armed group, Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, in first half of 2015.
In Nam Tit of Wa Self-Administrative Region and Theinne and Kutkai of northern Shan State, WFP and partners will undertake in-depth needs assessments to determine their food security situation and to identify the genuine IDPs as some extended families of IDPs from non-affected villages were believed to have moved into camps