East Asia and the Pacific is the region most affected by disasters worldwide and the most weather-related child displacements in absolute numbers. The risks and impact of disasters are exacerbated by climate change and the scale of displacement is increasing. In 2023, the region experienced major storms, floods, droughts, wildfires, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and armed conflict.
The Regional Office provided substantial support to UNICEF Myanmar for the ongoing humanitarian response. Escalation of the conflict has driven large-scale displacement, leaving an estimated 6 million children needing humanitarian assistance. UNICEF also provided financial and technical support to UNICEF Thailand to respond to the growing humanitarian crisis along the Thai-Myanmar border; to the Pacific Multi-Country Office to ensure timely humanitarian assistance for Cyclones Judy, Kevin and Lola in Vanuatu; and to several nationally led responses to smaller-scale emergencies.
Through UNICEF support, 9.2 million children aged 6–59 months were vaccinated against measles, 46,893 children aged 6–59 months with severe wasting were admitted for treatment and 1.8 million children aged 6–59 months received Vitamin A supplementation. Almost 2.7 million children and women accessed primary health care in UNICEF-supported facilities, 356,293 people received critical WASH supplies and services and 181,747 children accessed education or early learning. UNICEF support ensured 70,437 women, girls and boys accessed GBV risk mitigation, prevention or response interventions.
UNICEF continued supporting governments and partners across the region to strengthen shock responsive systems and structures. This holistic disaster risk management approach includes building local and national capacities for: climate and disaster risk analysis; emergency preparedness and child-, gender- and disability-inclusive humanitarian action; as well as strengthening programming within the humanitarian- development-peacebuilding nexus.