Yangon, Myanmar, 22 February 2017- UNICEF welcomes Myanmar’s signature of the Paris Principles on Children Associated with Armed Forces or Armed Groups on the occasion of the Paris 21st Feb 2017 Conference, organized by UNICEF and France.
The Conference marked the 10-year anniversary of the Paris Principles and Commitments to protect children from unlawful recruitment or use by armed forces and groups. Myanmar is the 107th country to sign the Paris Principles, which are an important framework for the reintegration of children into civilian life.
"We congratulate the Myanmar Government for another important step to ensuring children who are wrongfully recruited are identified, released and receive long-term support.” says Bertrand Bainvel, UNICEF Representative to Myanmar.
The signature is also a positive sign of the ongoing cooperation between the United Nations and the Government, which resulted in the 2012 Joint Action Plan to end and prevent the recruitment and use of children. Since then, important actions have been taken, including the release of 800 children from the ranks of the Myanmar Army.
"UNICEF reaffirms its support for the release and reintegration of all children, and take this opportunity to further encourage the Government to extend rehabilitation and support to children released from non-state armed groups, and to ensure their protection“, says Bertrand Bainvel.
UNICEF calls on the Government to continue to confirm its commitment to end recruitment and use of children by armed forces by adopting the new Child Law and ratifying the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).
“Whilst the peace discussions are ongoing and the 21st Century Panglong Conference scheduled for March, UNICEF reminds all parties on the importance to stop recruitment and use of children immediately without waiting for a peace agreement”, concludes Bertrand Bainvel.
UNICEF in Myanmar
UNICEF has been working with the Government and the people of Myanmar since 1950. In partnership with the Government and the civil society, UNICEF’s current focus of work aims at reducing child mortality, improving access and quality of education and protecting children from violence, abuse and exploitation. For more information about UNICEF and its work in Myanmar.
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For more information please contact:
Mariana Palavra, Communication Specialist, UNICEF Myanmar, 099795452618, mpalavra@unicef.org
Htet Htet Oo, Communication Officer, UNICEF Myanmar, 09250075238, hoo@unicef.org