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Situation Report No.3 - National Natural Disaster Management Committee, 24 August 2015


Key Messages

  • The President U Thein Sein visited Kalay in Sagaing Region over 21-23 August. He met with flood survivors in Paukkhon and Yayleu villages [right] to listen to their needs. He also inspected the progress of road repairs and drain dredging.

  • The Vice-President U Nyan Tun, as Chairman of the National Natural Disaster Management Committee (NNDMC), gave support and encouragement to flood survivors in the district of Thayawady, Bago on 15 August.

  • On 18 August, the Recovery Coordination Work Committee and the Early Recovery Network had a joint meeting and announced the Recovery Coordination Framework. It was agreed that a recovery needs assessment, covering data on loss and damage, would be conducted to guide planning.

  • The NNDMC has identified Hakha in Chin, Kale in Sagaing, Pwint Phyu in Magway and Myaukoo and Minbya in Rakhine as the five most-affected townships; this was according to the direct economic losses of these areas.