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Rehabilitation efforts for quake victims in Tahlay gear up

NAY PYI TAW, 13 April - Accompanied by members Shan State Ministers: Minister for Security and Border Affairs Col Aung Thu, Minister for Transport and Communications U Tu Maung, Minister for Electric Power U Sai Tun Yin and Minister for Lahu National Race Affairs U Sha Mwe Lashan, Chairman of Relief and Rehabilitation Committee Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement U Phone Swe toured Monglin (East), West village-tract and Kyakuni village from 6 to 9 April and they held discussions to coordinate the matters related to resettlement of quake victims that will be assisted by the government.

In accord with the desire of local people of Kyakuni village which was seriously damaged by the quake, the township Development Affairs Department made a plan to establish a new village with village characteristics. Land preparation and road works are being carried out by the Public Works.

The chairman and members have planned to build a hospital at the cost of K7 million to be used during the period when Tahlay subtownship Hospital is under reconstruction.

The committee formed by the Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar is assisting in rehabilitation and reconstruction works of quake victims.