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Practical solutions to reduce HIV transmission in Myanmar/Burma


Tackling sexual behaviour: marketing of products and behaviour change

Context: Sex workers historically ignorant of risks of unprotected sex

A decade ago, those at high risk of sexually transmitted infections, female sex workers, men having sex with men, and certain male professional groups, had little experience of the value and use of condoms. The project aims to reduce HIV/AIDS by increasing safer sexual behaviour among these groups. The European Commission partner PSI, developed a unique subsidised and culturally sensitive marketing model, helping it to build its condom brand Aphaw (“trusted companion” in Burmese) and increase public awareness of HIV/AIDS.

Objective: Social Marketing and behaviour change for HIV/AIDS Prevention

• To reduce the sexual transmission of HIV/AIDS among populations with high risk behaviour • To increase safer sexual practices by promoting condoms in collaboration with NGOs

Impact: What has been achieved?

• Aphaw condom sales increased from 18 million in 2003 to 31 million in 2005. • Significant change in sexual behaviour among the high risk groups demonstrated by quantitative research • A growing network of drop in centres providing health education and clinical STI treatment services and peer education reached: 4,500 female sex workers received peer education over 2 years • Men from sample group using condoms with sex workers increases from 52% in 2003 to 74% in 2005