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Myanmar/Rakhine: WASH Cluster Snapshot, May 2014


Highlights of the month

 Since the 26th and 27th March events in Sittwe, the access to the field for the humanitarian community remained limited

 Wash Cluster has coordinating all necessary action with the support of the DRD and State Ministry of transport and communication

 Following a priority evaluation after the events, Solidarités International coordinated with the Department of Rural Development in order to ensure the uninterrupted delivery of potable water to Ah Nauk Ye camp (Pauk Taw Township).

 Emergency latrines desludging has been ensured by Oxfam and Solidarités International in collaboration with all other actors in Sittwe township

 ICRC supported the delivery of fuel for the water supply systems Pauk Taw township through the Department of Rural Development

 The data provided in this document were remotely collected through the field teams, camp managers and short visits. In some cases, the accuracy of the data could not be verified by the WASH agency focal point.