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Myanmar/Rakhine and Chin State - Response to displacement linked to AA-Tatmadaw conflict (Jan - Dec 2024), as of 31 Dec 2024 [EN/MY]


In Rakhine State, 370,780 individuals have been displaced across 16 townships due to the ongoing AA-Tatmadaw conflict that started in 2019. Additionally, 23,220 individuals have been displaced in Paletwa township in Chin State, bringing the total number of displaced persons to 394,000. Out of them, 364,010 individuals are newly displaced since the escalation of armed conflict on 13 November 2023 as of 31 December 2024.

In collaboration with partners and other UN agencies, UNHCR is responding to the humanitarian needs and continues to provide assistance to affected communities. Since January 2024, UNHCR has provided core relief items, emergency shelter support, dignity kits, hygiene kits and solar lamps to some 70,637 individuals in Mrauk-U, Kyauktaw, Minbya, Myebon, Sittwe, Paletwa, Buthidaung and Maungdaw townships.