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Myanmar: Tropical Cyclone Mora - Information Bulletin No. 1


This bulletin is being issued for information only, and reflects the current situation and details available at this time. The Myanmar Red Cross Society (MRCS), with the support of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), has determined that external assistance is required, and a DREF request is currently being prepared.

The situation

Tropical Cyclone (TC) Mora hit the southeastern coast of Bangladesh on May 30 with winds up to 117 kilometers per hour. In Bangladesh, the cyclone brought strong winds and heavy rains in its path, affecting areas near Myanmar border such as Chittagong and Cox’s Bazaar. In Myanmar, TC Mora affected the state of Rakhine, particularly Northern Rakhine. It also affected other states and regions such as Chin, Ayeyarwady, Magway and Sagaing but initial reports indicated limited damages in these areas.

The estimate for total number of people affected by the cyclone in Myanmar is not yet available. However, initial results from MRCS rapid assessments that were conducted on 30 and 31 May indicated that 12 out of 17 townships in Rakhine State were affected by the cyclone.

The initial figures showed that 3,517 houses were partially damaged while 967 houses were completely damaged in Maungdaw township. 823 houses were damaged in Sittwe, Minbya and Rathedaung townships. Additionally, the national level Relief and Resettlement Department (RRD) had reported some damage to buildings, including schools, across townships in Rakhine. Initial information also indicated that a significant number of longhouses and other infrastructure, including latrines and temporary learning spaces, have been destroyed or severely damaged in existing IDP camps in Sittwe and Pauktaw townships. Additionally, two townships in Ayeyarwady, one township in Chin State and one township in Magway region (Salay) are reported as affected by strong winds and heavy rains, whereas Hakha and Mogoke township (Mandalay Region) have been affected by landslides.

Assessments are still ongoing, but the most urgent needs identified are food, clean drinking water and other basic assistance (including tarpaulins) as well as the need to repair infrastructure and houses totally or partially damaged by the cyclone.