- In Rakhine, 119,876 people remain displaced across 36 camps or camp-like settings. In Kachin/Northern Shan, over 97,500 IDPs are mostly dispersed over 150 camps or camp-like settings but around 10,000 with host families.
Rakhine: Emergency shelter response in 2012/13 and temporary shelter response in 2013 for 140,000 IDPs.
Care and maintenance in 2014/15. Owner-driven housing solutions in places of origin/relocation in 2015 for 26,800 IDPs, reducing number of camps from 67 to 36.
Government plan to assist with individual housing in 2016, which combined with 2015 progress, could have benefitted in total 40,000-50,000 IDPs, stalled. This meant major repair/maintenance of temporary shelters in 2016. -
Kachin/NS: Main contribution was local-faith based NGOs in 2011/12. Cluster focus has been to enhance technical capacity, including greater awareness of and adherence to minimum standards. Five rounds of camp profiling covering 130 sites completed. NFI coverage only needed for vulnerable IDPs, new displacement or winter items.
Prone to natural disasters, Rakhine remains potentially volatile context where underlying social, political and economic causes cannot be solved completely with humanitarian response. Solutions that avoid ethnic segregation and support communities to become self-reliant are needed, however, elections, lengthy period of transition and major instability in northern Rakhine State is inhibiting long-term planning and perpetual cycle of repairing and replacing temporary shelters.
Belated international engagement in Kachin/NS required huge information gathering/operational undertaking to address shortfalls. Protracted nature means perpetual cycle of repairing and replacing temporary shelters.
Significant variations for quality and quantity of assistance provided partly due to intermittent access to nongovernment controlled areas.