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Myanmar: Myanmar National and Rakhine Shelter Cluster Factsheet, February 2017



  • 119,876 people remain displaced across 36 camps/camp like settings as a result of two spates of violence/burning of houses in 2012. 20-25% decrease in IDP population in 2015 due to individual housing solutions.

  • Cyclone Komen and flooding in August 2015 resulted in severe damage to over 13,000 houses.

  • Violence/displacement in northern Rakhine State.


2012-2013: Emergency shelter response for 140,000 persons (see images above/top left & right).

2013: Mass temporary shelter response for over 140,000; 45% funded/built by Government (see image above/bottom left).

2014-2015: Care & maintenance of temporary shelters

2015: Owner driven housing solutions for 26,800 IDPs (see image above/bottom right) in place of origin/new locations. 50% funded/built by Government & 50% international community, reducing number of camps from 67 to 36.

2016: Government plan to assist with individual housing in 2016, which combined with 2015 progress, could have benefitted in total 40,000-50,000 IDPs, stalled. This meant major repair/maintenance of temporary shelters in 2016.


Remains high risk & potentially volatile context where underlying social, political and economic causes cannot be solved solely with humanitarian response.

Despite major funding and response drive in 2016, funding gap of US$1 million+ remains. This means 20,000+ IDPs in temporary shelters designed to last for 2 years now 3-4 years old in state of serious disrepair/ collapse.

Identify solutions that avoid ethnic segregation & support communities to become self-reliant & no longer dependent on aid.

International donors remain cautious on direct support to the State.

Recent elections, lengthy period of transition and now major instability in northern Rakhine State inhibits longer-term planning. 2016 witnessing most significant political change since 1962.

Highly prone to natural disasters, flooding/cyclones.