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Myanmar: Meikhtila inter-communal violence Situation Report No. 3 (as of 2 April 2013)



  • Since 28 March the authorities began to clear damaged houses and debris in Meikhtila as shops and commercial businesses reopen.

  • As a result of the Government-led ‘family reunification process’ several persons have been reunited with family members. IDPs sheltering in monasteries are being relocated to two schools whilst others will be relocated from four schools to training centers.

  • Sporadic acts of arson and unrest spread from Meikhtila to Bago Region and in Yangon reports of disturbances in four townships continue.

  • A state of emergency remains in place for four townships in Meikhtila (Mahliang, Meikhtila, Thazi, and Wundwin) and Bago townships (Gyobingauk, Minhla, Monyo, Nattalin, Okpo, and Zigon townships).


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