The Government estimates that over 12,000 persons have been displaced following the inter-communal violence that erupted on 20 March in Meikhtila, Mandalay Region. The number of casualties is yet to be confirmed. Some spontaneous return is being reported.
Curfew and state of emergency has been imposed in Meikhtila, Tharzi, Yamethin and Tatkon townships on 20 March following security incidents. Additional troops have been deployed in the area.
The Government established a relief management committee on 22 March, including local authorities and led by the Deputy Minister of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement (MoSWRR).
The Government is distributing food and water andthe Myanmar Red CrossSociety (MRCS)volunteers are providing health assistance as well as some family kits.A UN/NGOs rapid assessment team was dispatched from Yangon, Mandalay and Magway to assess immediate needs on 24 March.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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