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Myanmar: Mandalay Floods - Emergency Plan of Action (EPoA) (DREF MDRMM015)


A. Situation analysis

Description of the disaster

A total of 4,000 households of 20,000 people in Mandalay are affected by the rapid onset flood that was caused by a broken geological sedimentary dike1 on 19 July 2020.

Mandalay is an administrative division in central part of Myanmar and lies on the eastern bank of the Ayeyarwady River.

There are seven townships in Mandalay where five are located in urban areas and another two townships (Amarapura and Patheingyi) are located in rural areas which include a farmland covering an area of more than 4.04 km2 .

The villages in rural area of Amarapura experience flooding from time to time due to its proximity to Ayeyarwady River that rises during heavy rains. However, in July 2020, the water level of Ayeyarwady River has risen to emergency level especially in Amarapura township. The flood situation worsened when a dike broke near Sagaing-Mandalay Highway on evening of 19 July 2020. The event caused a sudden rise of water level downstream in nearby township and villages. About 200 household were immediately evacuated in response to this.
MRCS volunteers in coordination with the state government and local authorities supported the evacuation process.

The area continues to experience flooding and the situation is still developing and evolving. MRCS Mandalay branch has organized a 48-hour damage and needs assessment (DANA) on 22 July 2020. Some of the findings are as follows:

• 14 temporary evacuation centers open and still receiving new people in Mandalay region.

• seven urban ward areas currently impacted by the flood.

• Total affected population are 20,000 people (4,000 families)2 .