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Myanmar: Flood - Final Report, DREF n° MDRMM017


Description of the disaster

Following the late July monsoon flooding in lower part of Myanmar, floods were reported in Shan (East), Kayin, Mon, Rakhine, Mandalay, and Tanintharyi. The low-pressure area over the North Bay of Bengal persisted from late July to October 2021, generating medium to heavy rainfall.

During the monsoon season, Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH) issued flood advisory warnings and weather forecast that could impact the major rivers and their water level, particularly, for rivers and dams such as the Ayeyarwady River and the Sittaung River. As of August 2021, around 125,000 people were affected by different floods. Given the DMH forecasts for the monsoon season and the likelihood of more floods and their humanitarian consequences, the MRCS requested this DREF assistance to improve its preparedness capacity. Thanks to this DREF supported operation, the MRCS procured and pre-positioned relief items (non-food items), provided capacity building sessions to its staff and volunteers, and distributed household items to disaster affected households. Details of activities, implemented under this emergency operation, are explained under the sections of Operational Strategy and Detailed Implementation Plan below.

This emergency operation was implemented within the context of Complex Emergency situation in Myanmar, which began with the military intervention on 1 February 2021 and has had major humanitarian implications. The operation also materialized amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. International procurements for Disaster Preparedness (DP) took longer lead times than originally planned.