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Myanmar Flood 2023 - DREF Operation MDRMM019


What happened, where and when?

Since 4 October 2023, the Myanmar Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH) has been issuing flood advisory warnings and weather system alerts for the water levels of major rivers. From 5 to 9 October, heavy rainfall in the late monsoon season triggered extensive flooding in southern Myanmar.

On 9 October, DMH stated that Bago township experienced an unprecedented 7.87 inches (200 millimeters) of rainfall, the highest recorded in 59 years. On 10 October, the Bago River water level reached 4 feet above the danger level which caused widespread flooding in urban and suburban areas. The impact of this flooding has been significant. It has affected families and croplands and led to the displacement of people in areas from Bago City and Yangon, including the townships of Taik Kyi, Hlegu, and Hmawbi. Currently, there is limited first-hand data on needs and sectors relating to the requirements of the affected population due to the current country's complexity. However, food, water, basic household needs, hygiene, and sanitation are immediate needs by looking at current flood impact, pre-existing vulnerabilities, and complexity of the country as well as a request from MRCS regional branches.

Similarly, on 12 October, water was discharged from the Se Taw Gyi dam located in Madaya township within the Mandalay region. This discharge followed a period of heavy rainfall, which led to the unexpected flooding of several villages in central Myanmar's Mandalay region. According to reports more than 30,000 people were compelled to evacuate their homes, leaving their possessions behind.

The excessive rainfall also resulted in the inundation of the main roads in the Mandalay area. In the neighborhoods of the Myothit wards, Payantaw, and Nadi creeks, water levels surged, causing homes to be inundated.